Parent and Family Engagement Policy
School begins promptly at 9:00 AM and ends at 3:39 PM. Students who arrive after 9:00am will be marked late.
Student Arrival Procedures
Breakfast begins at 8:30 AM. When students arrive, they will go directly to the cafeteria for breakfast. Teachers will pick up their classes from the cafeteria at 9:00 AM.
Late Student Arrival
Any student who arrives after 9:00 AM is considered late. If a student is late, he/she must report to the desk located in the main hallway or the Main Office to receive a late slip. Late arrivals are recorded on the student’s record. Lateness is disruptive to the instructional day. Punctuality is expected.
Student Dismissal Procedures- For safety reasons, all adults must wait outside of the school gates while students dismiss from the building.
It is imperative that parents/caregivers pick up students on time during regular and early dismissal days. There is no supervision available after school hours unless the student is registered in the YMCA Afterschool program.
Kindergarten dismisses from the back door at 3:30 PM, students must be signed out.
1st and 2nd grades dismiss through the front door at 3:35 PM.
3rd and 4th grades dismiss through the front door at 3:39 PM.
Early Dismissal Procedures
Students may not be excused early, except in cases of emergency. If the need for an emergency early dismissal occurs, a parent/guardian must report to the main office, and sign the “Early Dismissal Book” in order to have a child released from school. Identification must be shown before we can release a child from school. Children will only be dismissed from the main office. No teacher may release a student to a parent from the classroom. In accordance with District Policy, No student will be dismissed after 3:00 PM. Please be informed that students arriving after 10:30 or leaving before 1:00 will only be given credit for half -day attendance. Half- day attendance will accumulate into a full day absence after two occurrences. This may lead to truancy if a student accumulates more than 8 unexcused absences.
Student Attendance and Punctuality
The policy of the School District requires that school-aged students enrolled in the schools of this District to attend school regularly, on time, and for the whole school day in accordance with the laws of the State of Pennsylvania.
The educational program offered by this District is based upon the presence of the student and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation.
A note signed by a parent/caregiver must be brought to school after each absence, indicating the dates and reasons for the absence. Absences will be coded “unexcused” if a note is not provided by the parent or caregiver.
When a pupil is absent for three days due to illness, a written doctor’s note documenting the medical necessity for the absence must be brought to school unless the principal has verified the legitimacy of the absence through other means. When possible, a parent is to notify the school if a pupil is to be absent for several days.
Every effort should be made to make-up work missed as a result of illness or other unexcused absence.
Work missed because of absence can lower academic marks. Students are responsible for making up work missed as a result of suspension or other disciplinary action.
Unexcused lateness which causes a student to miss all or a substantial part of the day’s instructional time may be coded as an unexcused absence.
Student Uniform Policy
The School District of Philadelphia mandates that school uniforms be worn by all students every day that school is in session. Exceptions to this policy must be approved in writing by the administration and /or teaching staff.
Parents will be immediately notified if a student is in violation of the dress code and failure to wear the acceptable school uniform will result in loss of recess and/or other privileges determined by the administration. If a student continues to violate this policy, further disciplinary action will be taken.
Boys and Girls wear solid navy golf or button down shirts with a collar and khaki slacks.
Girls may also wear a khaki skirt or jumper that is appropriate in length at the knee.
Students should wear comfortable shoes, such as a loafer or sneaker—NO flip-flops or backless shoes. Hats, head coverings and outerwear are not part of the dress code. If head coverings are to be worn for religious purposes, parents must notify the school in writing.
It is expected that students will come to school clean and well groomed. Hats, coats and jackets must be placed in the closets in the morning.
Not Permitted:
Bare shoulders, sleeveless T-shirts, tank tops, halter or midriff tops, torn clothing, short-shorts and mini skirts are prohibited. Clothing with offensive language, pictures, or symbols are prohibited.